
Decorate a function to measure its energy consumption

To measure the energy consumed by the machine during the execution of the function foo() run the following code:

To measure the energy consumed by the machine during the execution of the function foo() run the following code with the measure_energy decorator:

from pyJoules.energy_meter import measure_energy

def foo():
    # Instructions to be evaluated.


This will print in the console the recorded energy consumption of all the monitorable devices during the execution of function foo.

Configure the decorator specifying the device to monitor

You can easily configure which device to monitor using the parameters of the measure_energy decorator. For example, the following example only monitors the CPU energy consumption on the CPU socket 1 and the Nvidia GPU 0. By default, pyJoules monitors all the available devices of the CPU sockets.

from pyJoules.energy_meter import measure_energy
from pyJoules.device.rapl_device import RaplPackageDomain
from pyJoules.device.nvidia_device import NvidiaGPUDomain

@measure_energy(domains=[RaplPackageDomain(1), NvidiaGPUDomain(0)])
def foo():
    # Instructions to be evaluated.


for more information about device you can monitor, see here :

Configure the output of the decorator

If you want to handle data with different output than the standard one, you can configure the decorator with an EnergyHandler instance from the pyJoules.handler module.

As an example, if you want to write the recorded energy consumption in a .csv file:

from pyJoules.energy_meter import measure_energy
from pyJoules.handler.csv_handler import CSVHandler

csv_handler = CSVHandler('result.csv')

def foo():
# Instructions to be evaluated.

for _ in range(100):


This will produce a csv file of 100 lines. Each line containing the energy consumption recorded during one execution of the function foo. Other predefined Handler classes exist to export data to MongoDB and Panda dataframe.